Welcome To DS!


Remember history/social studies in middle/high school? Remember the inaccuracy?

Hi and welcome to Different Scope. Each week, DS will be publishing a post which focuses on a certain aspect of America history and include the details that textbook publishers won’t. DS will also try to correct any myths that are still being taught in the school system.

This is important because our distortion of history is part of a bigger social fabric which allows for racism, sexism, etc, to thrive. Our mission is to educate everyone on the TRUE American history and hopefully, challenge assumptions and biases that may have form due to inadequate history lessons in school.

Don’t believe that American history textbooks could use an update? Here’s a pop quiz, what is the name of the indigenous group on the island of Hispaniola, who were killed in a genocide orchestrated by Christopher Columbus?

See y’all back here next week!